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% A Simple Compiler
% From Stan Szpakowicz, "Logic Grammars", BYTE, Aug. 1987
% Written in Prolog using logic grammars
% Note: In order to execute this program, a Prolog interpreter
% must support logic grammars, of definite clause grammars
% === main program ===
compile :-
set_gensym( "$lbl" ), set_gensym( "$mem" ),
read_in( Chars ), % (skips initial white space)
lsym_list( LexSyms, Chars, [] ), % lexical analysis
program( Tree, LexSyms, [] ), % syntactic analysis
interm_code( Tree, Code, [] ), % code generation
write_out( Code ), !.
compile :- write( 'Sorry' ), nl.
% read in a sequence of characters terminated by a #
read_in( Chars ) :- get( Ch ), read_in( Ch, Chars ).
read_in( 35, [] ) :- !. % #
read_in( Ch, [Ch | Chars] ) :- get0( Ch1 ), read_in( Ch1, Chars ).
% print the generated code one instruction per line
write_out( [] ).
write_out( [Instr | Instrs] ) :-
write( Instr ), nl, write_out( Instrs ).
% === scanner ===
% list of lexical symbols
lsym_list( [LexSym | LexSyms] ) -->
lsym( LexSym ), !, opt_space, lsym_list( LexSyms ).
lsym_list( [] ) --> [].
% one lexical symbol (input tokens are ASCII codes)
lsym( IdOrKwd ) --> letter( L ), alphanums( Ls ),
{ name( Nm, [L | Ls] ) }, { wrap_name( Nm, IdOrKwd ) }.
lsym( num( N ) ) --> digit( D ), digits( Ds ),
{ name( N, [D | Ds] ) }.
lsym( := ) --> [58], [61]. % colon, equals
lsym( S ) --> [Ch], { name( S, [Ch] ) }.
% optional white space between lexical symbols
opt_space --> white_space, !, opt_space.
opt_space --> [].
% recognizing classes of ASCII codes
letter( L ) --> [L], { is_letter( L ) }.
digit( D ) --> [D], { is_digit( D ) }.
white_space --> [Ch], { is_white_space( Ch ) }.
is_letter( Ch ) :- 65 =< Ch, Ch =< 90.
is_letter( Ch ) :- 97 =< Ch, Ch =< 122.
is_digit( Ch ) :- 48 =< Ch, Ch =< 57.
is_white_space( 32 ). % blank space
is_white_space( 13 ). % new line (this would be 10 in Quintus Prolog)
is_white_space( 9 ). % tab
% keywords and identifiers
alphanums( [L | Ls] ) --> letter( L ), alphanums( Ls ).
alphanums( [L | Ls] ) --> digit( L ), alphanums( Ls ).
alphanums( [] ) --> [].
wrap_name( Nm, Nm ) :- is_keyword( Nm ).
wrap_name( Nm, id( Nm ) ).
% table of keywords
is_keyword( if ). is_keyword( then ). is_keyword( fi ).
is_keyword( while ). is_keyword( do ). is_keyword( od ).
is_keyword( skip ). is_keyword( not ).
% integers
digits( [D | Ds] ) --> digit( D ), digits( Ds ).
digits( [] ) --> [].
% === parser ===
program( s( Stmt, Stmts) ) -->
statement( Stmt ), [';'],
statements( Stmts ).
statements( s( Stmt, Stmts) ) -->
statement( Stmt ), [';'], !,
statements( Stmts ).
statements( skip ) --> [].
% a sequence of statements is represented as a nested term,
% for example s( Stmt1, s( Stmt2, s( Stmt3, skip ) ) ),
% where Stmt1, Stmt2, Stmt3 represent individual statements
statement( skip ) --> [skip].
statement( let( V, E ) ) --> [id( V )], [:=], expr( E ).
statement( if( C, Stmts ) ) -->
[if], condition( C ), [then], statements( Stmts ), [fi].
statement( while( C, Stmts ) ) -->
[while], condition( C ), [do], statements( Stmts ), [od].
condition( not( C ) ) --> [not], relation( C ).
condition( C ) --> relation( C ).
relation( cond( Op, E1, E2 ) ) --> expr( E1), comp_op( Op ), expr( E2 ).
comp_op( '=' ) --> ['='].
comp_op( '<' ) --> ['<'].
expr( E ) --> add_expr( AE ), rest_expr( AE, E ).
rest_expr( AE1, E ) -->
['+'], add_expr( AE2 ), rest_expr( e( '+', AE1, AE2 ), E ).
rest_expr( AE1, E ) -->
['-'], add_expr( AE2 ), rest_expr( e( '-', AE1, AE2 ), E ).
rest_expr( E, E ) --> [].
add_expr( AE ) --> mult_expr( ME ), rest_add_expr( ME, AE ).
rest_add_expr( ME1, AE ) -->
['*'], mult_expr( ME2 ), rest_add_expr( e( '*', ME1, ME2 ), AE ).
rest_add_expr( ME1, AE ) -->
['/'], mult_expr( ME2 ), rest_add_expr( e( '/', ME1, ME2 ), AE ).
rest_add_expr( E, E ) --> [].
mult_expr( var( V ) ) --> [id( V )].
mult_expr( num( N ) ) --> [num( N )].
mult_expr( E ) --> ['('], expr( E ), [')'].
% === code generation ===
% statements
interm_code( s( Stmt, Stmts ) ) -->
interm_code( Stmt ), interm_code( Stmts ).
interm_code( skip ) --> [].
interm_code( let( V, E ) ) -->
expr_interm_code( E ), [store( V )].
interm_code( if( C, Stmts ) ) -->
{ newlabel( L ) },
cond_interm_code( not( C ) ),
[jmp_cond( L )],
interm_code( Stmts ),
[label( L )].
interm_code( while( C, Stmts ) ) -->
{ newlabel( L1 ) }, { newlabel( L2 ) },
[label( L1 )],
cond_interm_code( not( C ) ),
[jmp_cond( L2 )],
interm_code( Stmts ),
[jmp( L1 )], [label( L2 )].
% conditions
cond_interm_code( not( not( C ) ) ) --> cond_interm_code( C ).
cond_interm_code( not( R ) ) -->
rel_interm_code( R ), [flip].
% flip: negate the contents of the condition register
cond_interm_code( R ) -->
rel_interm_code( R ).
% relations
rel_interm_code( cond( Op, E1, E2 ) ) -->
expr_interm_code( E2 ), { newmemloc( M ) }, [store( M )],
expr_interm_code( E1 ), [sub( M )], tst_interm_code( Op ).
% set the condition register
tst_interm_code( '=' ) --> [tst_zer].
tst_interm_code( '<' ) --> [tst_neg].
% expressions
expr_interm_code( e( Op, E1, E2 ) ) -->
expr_interm_code( E2 ), { newmemloc( M ) }, [store( M )],
expr_interm_code( E1 ), eop_interm_code( Op, M ).
expr_interm_code( var( V ) ) -->
[load( V )].
% load a constant
expr_interm_code( num( N ) ) -->
[loadc( N )].
eop_interm_code( '+', M ) --> [add( M )].
eop_interm_code( '-', M ) --> [sub( M )].
eop_interm_code( '*', M ) --> [mul( M )].
eop_interm_code( '/', M ) --> [div( M )].
% auxiliaries
newlabel( L ) :-
gensym( "$lbl", L ).
newmemloc( M ) :-
gensym( "$mem", M ).
% === utilities ===
% symbol generator (preset in the main program)
set_gensym( Pref ) :-
retract( sym( Pref, _ ) ), fail.
set_gensym( Pref ) :-
assert( sym( Pref, 1 ) ).
gensym( Pref, Sym ) :-
retract( sym( Pref, Num ) ),
Num1 is Num + 1,
assert( sym( Pref, Num1 ) ),
glue( Pref, Num, Sym ).
glue( Pref, Num, Sym ) :-
name( Num, Digits ), append( Pref, Digits, All ),
name( Sym, All ), !.
% well, you can't have a program without append...
append( [], Z, Z ).
append( [A | X], Y, [A | Z] ) :- append( X, Y, Z ).
% end of program